通过谷物, Groton has become the leader in tuition cost containment among American boarding schools.
粮食倡议, 2014年被评为学校的第一战略重点, contained tuition while increasing the number of students on financial aid and guaranteeing that the school would consider all applicants without regard for their ability to pay. Among the country's top boarding schools, Groton is the only one whose tuition is less than $60,000.
Groton does not consider a family's financial circumstances in making admission decisions. Support is provided throughout a student's years at Groton so that all students can take full advantage of the Groton experience. 许多学生获得了暑期学习的资助, 全球教育机会, 往返学校, 用品包括书籍和笔记本电脑, 支出账户, 并为前往校园参加家长周末的家长提供旅行服务. Applicants who are offered admission from the waiting list are treated with the same "need blind" approach as those who are admitted in March.
在易胜博app安卓下载, we want to ensure that applicants can join our community regardless of their families’ financial situations.
One of the more persistent misunderstandings about independent school education is that it is not affordable. 事实上, 易胜博app安卓下载大学授予的经济援助奖是, 总的来说, 比美国大学提供的要慷慨得多. Financial aid assessments at Groton are made with the assumption that families will eventually face the cost of a college education, 太.

不要认为你没有资格获得经济援助. 来自不同收入水平的家庭每年都有资格获得援助. 易胜博app安卓下载致力于包容. The popular depiction of boarding schools as places that only the wealthy can afford continues to prevent people from considering the option of this excellent form of education.

自2008年以来, 易胜博app安卓下载免除了学费, 房间, 并为家庭收入低于80美元的学生提供食宿,000. This policy reflects the School’s recognition that the great resources of Groton and the promise afforded by a Groton education should be available to all. 同样,不要认为你没有资格获得援助.

如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系 比尔·莱利,易胜博app安卓下载大学财政援助主任,电话978-448-7510或 wriley@tincyn.net.


  • 威廉·莱利摄

    威廉 莱利 

学费 & 费用
学费23-24房 & 董事会
  • 书600美元
  • 洗衣服务(可选)1099美元
  • 硬币/应用程序运营的洗衣店100美元
  • 杂费(艺术 & 其他班级用品,假期旅游大巴,设备等.) $500
  • 音乐课(可选)1100美元
  • 花费600美元



  • 40%

  • $46,519

  • $32,371

  • $6.79m




Families who qualify for financial aid often find that Groton is their most affordable option.

给一个家庭, the amount of financial aid that a school provides is less important than the amount they must contribute toward tuition. The charts on this page shed light on the generosity of Groton’s financial aid program as well as the school’s commitment to make the school accessible to families, 既不高也不低, 谁有时会认为自己没有资格获得援助.

One chart lists the number of families in different income brackets and what they were asked to contribute to their child’s education at Groton this year. The pie chart shows how many students are receiving aid in different income brackets.

Please remember that while income is the primary driver in assessing a family’s contribution, 我们也考虑资产, 其他学校的学费, 一个家庭的规模, 债务, 还有其他因素.


GRAIN还特别强调了该集团. 马克贝拉经常称他为“才华横溢的中间缺失者”.通常认为他们没有资格获得援助, these families are squeezed by burdensome loans at the college level and rarely think of independent schools like Groton. “私立学校的学生怎样才能获得真实的经验呢?. Maqubela,“如果我们忽略了一个巨大的社会经济群体的人才?”


为了开始经济援助程序, 在清晰中创建一个帐户.

All new and returning candidates for aid must complete a financial aid application each year. 该应用程序通常需要不到30分钟才能完成. 请参考以下资源获取指导:
申请费是60美元. If you need help with your application, email support is available in both English and Spanish at support@claritytuition.com.


  1. The School does not offer 奖学金s based on particular talents or attributes. Financial aid is for families who have a demonstrated need for financial assistance.
  2. If a family believes they will need financial aid at any point during a child’s time at Groton, 他们必须一开始就申请援助. Families will not be considered for aid if it is not requested during the admission application process. 如果一个家庭的经济状况发生了重大变化, 学院将尽一切努力提供协助.
  3. 易胜博app安卓下载's financial aid committee will consider the financial resources of both biological parents. For divorced or separated parents, both parents should complete a 清晰 application.
  4. 易胜博app安卓下载积极招收来自各种社会经济背景的学生. 我们分配了7美元.为我们380名学生提供100万美元的经济援助, 42%的学生得到了某种程度的资助.
  5. 一定要及时申请经济援助. 截止日期 返回申请人 11月30日. 截止日期 新申请 是1月31日.
If you have questions about the financial aid process, contact our Director of Financial Aid 威廉·莱利

